I’m still going through material that I gathered at the Lyme-Autism conference
and I’m trying to report on some of the most significant information that I’ve personally experienced (so I know it’s true).
During a conversation with Dr. Joe Mercola, we were discussing what Dr. Klinghardt was saying about Lymies (excuse me TICK SLAYERS) having mineral deficiencies. Dr. Klinghardt hit this one right on the head.
As I’ve been trying to pound into everyone’s brain, the issue is nutrient deficiencies. I cannot say it loudly enough that it should be priority #1 to fix. How else is your body going to perform
against the onslaught of viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, yeast, stress, pollution, EMF?…the list goes on and on.
Dr. Klinghardt, along with some other doctors, is big into taking minerals. Unfortunately for my case, I didn’t find out about this until my last year of healing, but getting my minerals balanced was another HUGE step in the right direction…so in my opinion, it’s always better late, than NEVER.
Minerals keep the immune system working. They keep the NK cells and macrophages
pumped up. These are the cells that are the “fighter cells.” Klinghardt says that Lyme patients are most often depleted in copper, magnesium, manganese and iron.
Copper and iron are needed for phagocytosis (the process of devouring the “bad guys”). I remember part of my intense fatigue was simply because I was very low in iron as many people with Babesiosis are. Once I discovered this and corrected the problem, it was another big breakthrough. (Now taking the smell sensitive iron in my kit is all I need to keep it optimum and not have to worry about anemia.) Mind blowing as it seems, I had two doctors, well known LL MDs actually look over my blood work and never picked up on the problem. Hemogoblin is usually on the CBC panel, but Ferritin (your body storage levels of iron) is what should be tested as well. If you don’t have the test, it’s easy enough to just smell what you need now with the kit. But know that iron (for example) is already a nutrient that many people (especially women) are low in. So having something like Babesiosis on to of that means there is a good chance some of
your fatigue could be because of this issue.
Klinghardt also mentions that many Lyme patients suffer from Purroluria. The term is HPU and 80% of his Lyme patients were reported having it. The false term is KPU. This metabolic sickness, disarms the immune system by depleting the body of minerals like zinc (300 enzymes are dependent on this one mineral) and manganese.
Klinghardt further says, “Filling up your body’s mineral reserves has always been the most essential part of our heavy metal detox program. It is also the most essential part of our Lyme treatment.”
This makes sense to me because zinc can displace toxic metals, and almost every Lyme patient will have some type of issue with metals. Heavy metal can attack the body’s methylation pathways. This is a pathway crucial for your body as it detoxes you.
After hearing Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Mercola was asking me about taking minerals. I simply told him about the taste sensitive minerals I had been on and we agreed that it’s probably what’s been working so well for me and further investigation into this KPU for me, was not an
I’m perfectly aware that, just like you, we probably have many similar viruses as well. All humans do. But it makes sense that replacing CRUCIAL elements like your essential minerals could really do wonders for you. It did for me. So I pass it on.
Electromagnetic Smog And Why It Could Be Making You Sick
We live in a world of cell phones, TVs, phones, wireless internet, etc. We are bombarded by the negative frequencies this technology emits and since our own bodies are electrical, we suffer, because the frequencies produced by this technology are NOT harmonizing with our own bodies.
From studies there is some astonishing evidence that over time these devices can cause harm…which can be seen by looking at someone’s blood under a microscope with and without these bad frequencies.
You may or may not have heard this, but yes, I’ve been playing with frequencies for a LONG TIME! Not only to heal Lyme and other cooties, but to charge my water, food and even air.
This is the science of the future. I do believe it because of my own experience. I go into great detail in my book. (Sign up for release information at TheTickSlayer.com) about using such devices).
My latest testing was done on some geomagnetic cards. They look like credit cards,
but on the strip there is a charge that has been placed on them. One has a frequency to heal and the other has a frequency to remineralize. In combo you can literally TAP your pain away. How
do I know? Because I’ve used them.
I made my mother use them when she had a nasty fall and had an eggplant sized
purple bruise on her leg. Not only did they help the pain, but the healing of the area with a few minutes of use with the cards was quite dramatic. I’ve seen how bruises heal. The last time I
had a purple/black bruise was when I ran up this mountain for 5 miles, turned around and was so tired I got sloppy running down. I hit a rock, giving myself a terrible ankle sprain (so bad it
would have been better had I just broken it).
My purple bruise took weeks to go away. But my mother who is 62 years old had
amazing results. See photos below:
day 1 with cards
day 2 with cards
day 3 with cards
The reason why I’m sharing this is because I’ve found a great cheap way to have someone put this proprietary charge on cards (and perhaps even jewelry). I’ve seen something similar and I’ve been spending the last few months trying out products and trying to figure out what’s best, cheapest and what ultimately WORKS. It’s good to try out these products to see if they are better than the technology that is on these cards. I want what’s best and I know you do as well.
So I’m not finished with my research, but I wanted to share with you how neat this really is.
Back in 2005, I started using a pendant a friend had made for me. He told to be careful with it because it would make me detox. I had my kinesiologist test it on me a year later. He said it made me very parasympathetic. The charge was so strong that I would run like a maniac for about 5 minutes in practice and then BLOW a fuse (probably from being so parasympathetic). What’s interesting is that this is the time I noticed symptoms from Lyme cropping up. I didn’t know it was Lyme yet because I didn’t have my race BOMB yet that made me realize I was sick. But I do recognize that there is a charge that is so powerful it can actually make you detox rapidly and kill bugs as well. There’s a good chance that I began my Lyme journey simply because I put that pendant on and OVERUSED IT. I can't confirm any of this, but if I did use the pendant again during my healing journey because I realized it was going to help me rid myself of toxins. I did use it strategically while detoxing.
Now not all of these card and pendants have this type of power because the charge (frequency put on them) can be manipulated. Frequencies that kill Lyme can be placed on an object and used. Frequencies can align water molecules so that they are easily assimilated. Here are frequencies that promote healing or remineralized tissues.
It’s quite endless. The double whammy I use is taking this aloe and charging it with my card and then ozonating it. You get highly assimilated nutrient packed and oxygenated aloe. YIPPIE! That’s good stuff.
I’m going to continue researching and will dedicate a newsletter to the topic in the near future.
See ya later Tick Slayer,
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Contact Arden For Lyme Coaching: arden@beatlyme.com
P.S. Follow me on Twitter (it's easy)!
P.P.S. Know someone who is sick? Know someone you think might have Lyme Disease and they don’t know it? Tell them you care by forwarding this newsletter to them.
Hi Perry Fields,
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you're stressing the importance of minerals. I think everyone could use some more of those, both people with or without Lyme Disease.
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