This newsletter about food choices was suppose to be sent at the end of last week, but due to my hectic schedule, I was unable to send it till this morning. I'm preparing for a photo shoot (for the second day) in Tucson, Arizona. And those getting my newsletter will be able to VOTE on the TITLE of the book and the COVER of the book (and the pictures are coming out quite stunning). The Lyme-Autism Conference was this weekend in Phoenix was fantastic and I strongly encourage you to go next year. I had a few Lyme doctors (which I'm very familiar with their research) try to "pump" me for information, but I too discovered some other helpful information I did not know about until this weekend.
A Tough Choice As you know the US Track and Field Championships was this past weekend.
In February I had started my comeback and was training like I’ve never been able to before! This was exciting and quite a relief emotionally and physically. After running a FAST 1600m (mile) I thought this was going to be the year I would DIVE back into athletics. But something strange happened. I had a burning desire to write a book about what had happened and how I beat my health issues (including Lyme.) In March I had to make the decision to race the outdoor season this year or not. Trying to devote my time between writing, a small business I own, and running became an entangled ordeal. For those who know about professional athletics, it is a FULL TIME JOB. I’m a Type A person and when I get involved in something I can’t do it “half-assed.” I knew what I was writing was going to change the lives of a lot of people and I knew there were too many people sick right now who needed to read it…so I made my decision for this year and it wasn’t to race. I’ve had to make two really hard decisions in my life and this surprisingly wasn’t one of them! Since March of this year I’ve been focused on getting the book out. I believe it will change the lives of 100% of those inflicted with Lyme and 94% of people who don’t have Lyme (meaning general population, especially those with autoimmune diseases.) To me there are too many people suffering so it really wasn’t a choice at all. It just had to be done. After attending the conference and meeting some of the people who get my newsletter I feel even more confident of the decision I've made about not racing this year. The book is being edited and is scheduled to be released during the 4th quarter of this year. Lyme Diet There is so much information on eating for Lyme Disease that it can’t possibly fit all in this newsletter. So what I’m going to do is break up these points for future newsletters and include some basic information right now. I hate to use the word DIET because it sounds like you’re eating to lose weight. Let me just say I’ve always been on a diet, but it’s never been to lose weight, because if you make the right choices, then you won’t have to worry about weight. It’s ALL about choices. My first tip is to get your FOOD ALLERGIES TESTED.I’m gluten intolerant and struggled since high school with all kinds of strange symptoms from it until it was finally diagnosed with one year left to go in college. It’s the reason why I didn’t go to med school. It was simply because I felt like my doctors had totally failed me. What a simple solution to all of my problems and never did anyone say, “maybe it’s something you are eating!” Instead, I was the crazy one. Ever felt this way? You can get a FOOD STAT blood test done to find out what you react to. Big tip is to eat all types of foods (whether you think you’re allergic to it or not, eat it) so that your reaction to the test will show up. I don’t ever eat GLUTEN and so my gluten reaction didn’t show up this last time I was tested. I should have nibbled on some bread right before the test. Food can be an amazing healing device. Just think when you take a supplement and how SMALL it is. Then think about how many serving sizes of that supplement would fit into your lunch portion or dinner portion. I have a lot of food rules so I’m going to go through just a few today. #1: Stop eating processed foods. You probably have heard this. Not only do you not get the nutrients that you need, but you’re probably getting calories you don’t need either. When shopping for food in the grocery store, stick to the perimeter of the store. I hardly ever go down the aisles unless it’s for spices, salt, balsamic vinegar, etc. #2: Consume dairy products free of hormones. Eat RAW dairy if possible. Hormones run wild when you are diseased because your body can’t regulate itself, but adding to the problem is when you start eating foods from animals which are passing on certain hormones to screw up your balances even more. Thanks to local South Carolina farmers, you can get raw milk which is full of enzymes and I’ve been drinking it for years now. LOVE IT. Pasteurization kills the good stuff…in all packaged foods. Wonder why 10 years old girls are starting to get their periods and have boobs? We live in an industrial country, even in the South (thanks to the Civil War, and of course, it was probably inevitable anyway.) We simply are over-estrogenized. So stop eating out of plastics (whenever possible) because they leach chemicals that increase this phenomena. Don’t microwave in plastics. Don’t drink hot liquids in styrofoam cups! I majored in Packaging Engineering and I know things about plastics that are REALLY scary. #3 Consumer meat products which are free of hormones. Meat is not bad to eat. I think some blood types do better with less meat and some do better with more meat. I’m 0+, which means I need meat. When I train and race, if I don’t eat beef three times a week I feel like terrible. When I’m not training or racing, I find other sources of protein and maybe eat meat once or twice a week. When I go into a grocery store I start thinking about how the animals were processed because happy animals taste better and are better for you. When animals are treated poorly and are scared to death when they are slaughtered their muscles are full of adrenaline. Not a good substance for you to be eating. ( ) *This is a safe link, even though it looks like it isn't. And to be honest because I am familiar with how these animals are processed I know if you knew how bad it was, you wouldn’t be eating these major brands either. I personally don’t want to be part of the problem. I know by consuming it, I am. Therefore, I have found other solutions which keep me healthier physically and HAPPIER. Most people don’t even think about this when they are picking up those little plastic wrapped trays of meat in their grocery store. But perhaps you’ll start doing this because it’s not only the right thing to do for humanitarian reasons, but it is right for your health. #4 Buy Local. In South Carolina there is a movement to eat products born and raised in South Carolina. I’m sure other states are already doing this. It’s so easy to get your groceries from local farmers who sell directly to people. It means lower costs and higher quality foods. Produce grown by locals usually aren’t stripped farm (a common commercial farming technique.) This means the produce is grown in soil which has more nutrients. It also means it’s picked when it’s ripe, not picked green (which means it hasn’t had enough time on “the vine”.) A lot of the produce in grocery stores has little nutrient value. So buy local produce. Meats that are raised and slaughtered locally mean animals don’t have to go through the grueling processing which is cruel and unusual. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about how smaller farms are now using mobile slaughterhouses so their animals can be processed right at home. A farmer was interviewed, who names all of his animals and he said it was the best way for them to die. Each animal is called over, away from the others and is slaughtered so quickly it doesn’t have time to even know what’s going on. The meat is healthier and tastier as a result. In SC we can get buy an entire cow, have it slaughtered (the natural way) and put it in the freezer. We hardly buy meats from the grocery store now and when we do we buy “certified humane” and “no growth hormones” and “grass feed”. Is it worth the extra cost? HECK YES. Food is essential and if you eat junk, well…you know the old saying. #4 Stop eating PORK. This is a hard one because I think the #1 indulgent food is PORK. People LOVE pork. But you have to know Jews and Muslims got this right. They don’t eat pork for religious reasons, but it might as well be for health reasons! I’ve been reading way too many studies that show pork consumption causes an inflammatory response in humans. With so many Lymies who have inflammation, why add to it? I’ve been off pork for a long time and will stay off. I know that if I’m ever craving pork, it’s almost always because I’m low in Niacin. Yep, pork has a ton of Niacin and other B-vitamins. If I’m craving pork and I smell my smell sensitive vitamins, the Niacin smells wonderful (the clue that I need it.) *** At the conference I was horrified to hear about certain research that has been done on GMO foods. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Foods and while I knew this was an issue, I had no idea how bad this situation is for our own health. I'll write about it in the near future (hopefully this week). This newsletter has gotten long enough, so the Lyme Diet information will continue. I’m almost finished re reading Dr. Maffetone’s Eating For Endurance which has great information in it. So I’ll be discussing some of his points in the near future. Expect the best,

Contact Arden For Lyme Coaching (she can get back to you even though I cannot right now): What's On My Blog? Feel Free To Interact! Bitten By A Tick Again- But This I'm Prepared!- Click here Electrolyte Imbalances Are Common In All People Who Are Sick/ Correcting The Imbalance - Click here How long does a tick need to be attached? Click here New testing for Lyme Disease, better than IgeneX? Click here Biological Terrain and Mold Issues For Lymies- Click here Treating Inflammation Associated withLyme Disease- Click here Old Newsletter Issues- click here |
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