This week’s newsletter was going to be on diet for Lymies, but just recently I rediscovered a book I own called “Eating For Endurance” by Phil Maffetone. I wanted to read it again because
the information about diet is so important and before I write a newsletter packed with ideas and tips about what a typical diet should look like, I thought I better refresh my memory.
I bought this book about four years ago because as an elite athlete I knew that getting an edge on the competition meant focusing on everything I could conrol. Diet is one thing we can ALL control, whether we are athletes or we are fighting disease…it’s all the same.
Don’t let the title of the book fool you. The principles in it can be applied to anyone who is trying to optimize their health and I feel like it’s one of the absolutely best books on diet I’ve ever read, because there is no BS. It has nothing to do with “fads.” It’s just the truth about foods and how the body processes food for energy.
So next week should be the newsletter on my eating tips. Don’t miss it.
And if you really want to dive into it (which I always suggest people do), get the book! You'll earmark so many pages of importance that you'll want go back over and over again!
Get it cheap at Amazon here:
Eating for Endurance: A Sensible Approach to Diet and Nutrition for the Endurance Athlete
Nasty Attitudes
I know I’ve already written about changing attitudes and how important it is to recovery. I want to share with you a good way NOT to get healthy.
I already know that you can feel down and out when you’re terribly ill. Emotions run wild and sometimes can’t be contained. You want to blame everyone, including the tick, your doctor(s), your insurance company and perhaps even me. Don’t be angry that I’m recovered. In fact, I’m a very valuable tool that you have the option of utilizing.
Just recently I had a woman email me. She was mad that my last newsletter said, “Go and have some fun this weekend.” Yes, that’s right. She was angry that I wrote that!
She then told me how she was spending 2k a month on Mepron. She is apparently terribly ill. I wrote her back (I always try to get back to everyone who writes me) and encouraged her to try some different avenues since she was so ill and was still spending 2k a month, for months, and still not getting better. This infuriated her even more. Plus she was seeing “the best” doctor in town, a Dr. H. (I won’t use name) in New Hyde Park.
After doing some quick research on who she was, (which I usually don’t do) I found out she was a psychologist who was unable to work and had her license to work taken away because of her
disability. I felt terrible for her, but on the other hand here I am offering her a major change in health and all she can do is try to rip me a part verbally for being encouraging. Ouch!
She told me to do some more research and that if I didn’t understand why she was spending 2k a month on Mepron that I obviously didn’t know enough about Lyme.
I didn’t write her back. I just removed her from my newsletter list.
Yes, I may not know what some experts know about the (sometimes pointless) details about Lyme. I just know how to beat it, so if that’s not enough then I’m okay with that. I really don’t need to know what people are spending for medications. I think it’s unnecessary to know. I know enough about it because of my own ordeal years ago with meds, but I can’t get sucked into that battle now. My attention goes to getting people healthy. That’s it.
And I do coach people with PhDs, but only those who can swallow their egos. To me I felt like this is one of the biggest reasons why some people don’t get healthy. It’s because some
people think they’ve done everything and they believe they know everything….so why keep trying?
I hope you don’t feel that way. It’s important to check egos at the door when getting your health back because good information can come from the strangest places. No MD knows it all. No
MD will have all of your answers. Empowering yourself and knowing what you have to do is the key.
To me a psychologist believes in medication, hence her reliance on 2k dollars worth of Mepron a month. Expanding your mind to the possibilities no matter what your background is, IS ESSENTIAL.
Just some food for thought.
Here’s what others are saying who have been coached by me:
“I have made some progress already. I have a great energy now....!” – Georgia (this was sent just days after her session)
“I want to thank you again for the coaching, it is really helping. I am starting to get my energy back, went for a great swim in the ocean yesterday and am getting ready to go for a run on the beach w my dogs. I am plugging along following your coaching. You have really helped me, thanks again. Dr S. was pre coaching. You have helped me more than anyone.” Take care..Beth - Charleston, SC
“Much warmth and GREAT thanks, you are amazing.”
– New York City, New York
"Thank you Perry! It was an honor to speak with you! I've been busy getting going with everything. " - P.D., Minnesota
*I’ve been a little busy and haven’t gotten permission to use names or to look through my feedback, so full names and locations are not given at this time.
If you’ve been sitting on the fence about speaking with me, have hit a plateau in your recovery, or are just tired of feeling bad, it might be time to have a talk with me. Please contact Arden, and let’s get started! I have a few spaces available for next week. I leave for the Lyme-Autism Conference in Arizona on next Wednesday and will not return until July (as I’m also shooting the cover of my new book afterwards).
....the best thing for me is what the people I've already coached have the pleasure of experiencing in the future...a very healthy body...but since most have just gotten started, they don't fully realize this yet! :)
Update On My New Tick Bite A Few Weeks Ago
There is no update. No problems. No symptoms. Sorry if this is disappointing as I can’t offer any new information on it because it has gone away.
If you just joined the newsletter you can get the scoop about what I was doing for this new bite here.
Parasites- Let’s KILL’em!
Lyme is parasitic. Technically it’s a bacteria, but since it feeds, multiplies and tears your insides apart, it’s parasitic.
Parasites are in everyone. There is probably zero enhance that there is ONE person on this earth who doesn’t have them.
I found out I had a terrible case of parasites .
I remember a lab technician telling me I had one of the worst cases of parasites he’d
ever seen. He said he saw one other case that was worse than mine! He told me about this girl who embalmed people in a funeral home who was worse then me. That didn’t make me feel much better. So he suggested I needed to purge myself of them and suggested several different products...
Because I do a parasite cleanse once a year, I have tried several kinds and this one is by far my favorite.
Check out my top pick for Parasite Cleansing and Removal
(this is what I use once a year).
The first time I did a parasite cleanse I thought I would have to go the ER on the third day because the die off from the parasites created this burn like rash that covered my entire body (except my face oddly enough). The rash felt like a 1st degree burn. Looking closely at it, there were tiny little white specks peeping out from my skin. (Were these dead worms?) Even stranger was the matter that I found in the toilet after trips to the bathroom.
Your case of parasite die off will probably not be nearly as bad as mine. I believe a good parasite cleanse kills Lyme bacteria as well. Reducing your load of parasites frees up your own immune system to focus on other important issues.
There are really three great ways to kill parasites naturally.
One is do a parasite cleanse (once a year is optimal but if you have a bad case which you can note by die off symptoms like a rash, you may want to do it twice a year).
Two is oxygen. Parasites hate oxygen. Oxygen kills parasites, mold, fungus and bacteria. (I've already written about using an ozone machine here.) The actual ozone machine I use is here.
Third is saturating yourself with aloe. This method is not as strong for killing parasites as doing a cleanse, BUT it keeps parasites from running rampant after you do a good cleanse
and in the meantime it’s a natural inhibitor of bacteria, mold and fungus. (Want to know more about aloe and how it can be used for inflammation, repair, detoxing, go here.)
I do all three. On a daily basis I saturate yourself with aloe to kill the “bad stuff” and repair the “good stuff.” I ozonate my water everyday and drink it and also use it in my house to
clean the air. And I always do a parasite cleanse once a year. I don’t ever have the die off that I had the first time I did the parasite fact, it’s nothing like the first time I did it.
A 13 year old girl contacted me about being sick with Lyme Disease and wrote me about how her parents gave up her bunnies because she had bad parasites.
A good parasite cleanse does WONDERS.
I personally live with a “farm” of stray animals and would never consider giving them up and because I know how the problem can be remedied so well, it doesn’t have to be an option. The
pleasure I get from caring for needy animals gives me too much happiness so thankfully having to give them up doesn’t have to be an option.
You can really get parasites anywhere. Anytime you eat out you subject yourself to getting parasites. If you travel, you can get them. Even if you’re cooking at home, you can get
them. If you eat sushi you can get them.
So live it up! Just remember to cleanse yourself once a year.
Expect the best,
P.S. Know someone who is sick? Know someone you think might have Lyme Disease and they don’t know it? Tell them you care by forwarding this newsletter to them.
What's On My Blog?
Feel Free To Interact!
Bitten By A Tick Again- But This I'm
Prepared!- Click here
Electrolyte Imbalances Are Common In
All People Who Are Sick/ Correcting The Imbalance - Click here
How long does a tick need to be attached? Click here
New testing for Lyme Disease, better than IgeneX? Click here
Biological Terrain and Mold Issues ForLymies- Click here
Treating Inflammation Associated with Lyme Disease- Click here
Old Newsletter Issues- click here
Don't forget......
Lyme-Autism Conference in Scottsdale June 25-28th
Come join me at the Lyme-Autism conference. I’ll be there
Saturday night for the Celebrity Poker Show Down. (Even though I have no
idea how to play Poker, I’ll learn before I go.) If I win my winnings
are going to go to Wounded Warriors and Greenville Humane Society.
See the homepage of and scroll down to the bottom for the information
on the conference.
I should be floating around on Friday and Saturday to catch a few speakers. The line up of speakers is great in my opinion simply because they will be discussing a lot of things I did to beat Lyme, so I’m excited that people can discover these options. Plus, I want to see if there are other advances I don’t know about …Even though for me it’s too late, it won’t be for those who still have Lyme Disease. So if you can’t make it, I’ll be your ears.